Covington Presbyterian Church (CPC)
Youth & Children
Our youth and children are our yesterday, today, and tomorrow. CPC is intentional about faith development for our youth and children. We have active Sunday School classes for all ages and use various curriculum vendors to meet our educational needs. Baptism, Confirmation, and Worship are all spaces where our youth and children are welcomed and encourage to participate.
YOUTH & CHILDREN CLASSES are held in our educational building starting at 9:30 until 10:30 each Sunday morning. We believe Children’s Ministry was God’s idea as recorded in Matthew 19:14. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Our children from age 4 through High School are currently using age appropriate curriculum entitled Follow Me, put out by PC(USA). This curriculum is based on Jesus’ practices that he did and teaches us to do as faithful followers. The classes find where these practices are in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith, during Biblical times and in our world.
Sunday School focuses on building a faith foundation while helping the children to learn that church is a fun, safe place and that God loves them. We do this using prayer, interaction with the Bible and interactive multisensory activities, while encouraging the students to ask questions.
Our children are welcome in the worship services and can participate during our Tiny Theologian moments, our Children’s Bell Choir, and even helping to lead the Children’s Day service.