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Beautiful Nature

Our Mission and Ministry


We are followers of The Way of Jesus, the Christ.  We participate with Christ by being engaged in acts of justice, works of beauty, and bearing witness in our world to God's love expressed in the incarnation of Jesus. We are signposts pointing the way to God's amazing love.  Below you will find the community partners we are currently participating with in providing essential needs and resources for our citizens.  

 Habitat for Humanity
St. Tammany West

Habitat for Humanity International was founded in 1976 as a grassroots Christian nonprofit organization dedicated to the elimination of poverty and substandard housing worldwide. Habitat builds houses in partnership with families who qualify for home ownership based on three criteria: need, willingness to partner with Habitat and an ability to repay a no-interest mortgage. There are more than 2,100 active affiliates in 100 countries and all 50 states. Since 1981 Habitat for Humanity St. Tammany West has built nearly 300 affordable new homes with low-income families across western St. Tammany parish. Affordable housing changes lives, you can make a difference in the lives of our home buyers by donating or volunteering. CPC is proud to support Habitat for Humanity!


CPC was one of the original nine churches that came together to form a true community food bank. Northshore Food Bank provides food assistance to more than 300 individuals and families each week who live at or below the 130% federal poverty guidelines and have found themselves in need within our community. After qualifying for assistance, an individual can receive a minimum of 40 lbs. of food once each month and families can receive a minimum of 70 lbs. of food each month. Depending on donations, recipients may also receive what we call a “lagniappe” box. A lagniappe box may be filled with breads, pastries, dairy products, fresh produce, or frozen foods.  We are proud partners with the Northshore Food Bank and annually contribute over 10,000 pounds of food for our food insecure families.  


CPC partners with Family Promise of St. Tammany, which is our community's response to homelessness in our parish, specifically homeless families with children, sometimes called, the "invisible homeless."  According to the Northlake Homeless Coalition, on an average night in St. Tammany parish, there are 61 persons comprising 17 familes who are homeless. We support with our time and resources to this valuable community resource.  

Evergreen Life Services

Evergreen Life Services was organized in 1959 in north Louisiana as a mission of the Presbyterian Church. The ministry began when the parents of four young men with developmental and intellectual disabilities dreamed of a place where their children could lived as normal a life as posssible, reach for their potential and become valued, contributing members of society. The Presbyterian Church shared this important vision, and an old abandoned school building was secured in the community of Evergreen, becoming Evergreen School and serving individuals with disabilities. CPC has built garden boxes for the day program and provided gifts for residents at Christmas.


Covington Presbyterian Church

222 South Jefferson

Covington, LA 70433     (985) 892-4821

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